Photo: Printscreen Youtube
Goca Džehverović, a former colleague and mother of a cheerleader, Teodora Džehverovic, without hair on her tongue, commented on his successor and his relationship with the fabulous Angel Rankovic.
"Fans of Angela and Theodore think I am against this link, that I am against Angela, I must say publicly that we support them." We gave some hands to Theodori ".
Teodorina Mama did not want to go with what was happening with the Ranković family, that is, the mother and uncle of Angelo who openly showed that they did not did not support his relationship with Theodore.
"We have shown that we had given a holiday, with regard to Rankovic, I will not make a statement about them, and Teodora now lives alone, so that it There is no excessive conjunction, I did not need to be in contact with Rankovic, my uncle and so on, "Goca said.
Kurir.rs/ Rose / Photo: Printscreen Youtube
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