Naser Oric threatens the war again


"That's what I tell you," says Matija Bećković, their Serbian academic, we'll be ready for that. "All will be except that we will not tear," said OTRs.

Oric's threats to new conflicts, When promoting the book "Life before and after Srebrenica" in the premises of the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of Zenica, the public welcomed the thunderous applause

Representatives of the Association of Serbian Victims of the Homeland War are unhappy he travels without obstacle and holds the ground

The mayor of Srebrenica, Mladen Grujicic, considers that new threats are unacceptable, especially on the part of those who allegedly drove the criminals who killed the Serbs in Podrinje

"And we also respond, we want to" kiss ", but in a legal way. We must put all the capabilities in the function of proving the suffering of the Serbian people and remembering the crimes, not to threaten another people, but to preserve ours. We must persevere in the pursuit of justice and truth, and we will never stop insisting that perpetrators of crimes against Serbs in Zalazak and in other villages around Srebrenica be able to justice, "said Grujicic. Savanovic believes that Oric's statements result precisely from the selective administration of justice, both by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ICTY, who have been accused of war crimes against Serbs or released or imposed exceptionally minor penalties. he continues to arouse hatred or call for war. RTRS recalls that similar messages were sent by another Bosnian commander, Atif Dudakovic, who told the Bosnian diaspora at the beginning of last year in Luxembourg that he would start to he bought uniforms and clothing. Military equipment and, in the middle of the year, he announced that the war was not over yet and he was also charged with war crimes against the Serbs.

Meanwhile, according to RTRS, you will have Zackie member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bakir Izetbegovic, repeatedly raised the possibility of war, adding that for, as he says, God forbid and arms. Their statements passed without any significant reaction from the international community, adding RTRS.

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