NILA RAISIN WILL BE THREAT Even 32 infected in Belgrade, dangerous mosquitoes in 47 places, the virus now UDARA AND YOUTH


  infectious clinic03 photo RAS Serbia V. Zivojinovic

Photo: V. Zivojinovic / RAS Serbia

The West Nile virus attacks more and more people of Belgrade of almost all ages. The Institute of Biocides and Medical Ecology has proved the presence of infected mosquitoes in 47 localities of the capital, while the Public Health Institute of the city (GZZJZ) recorded 32 cases of fever from the second half of June to 27 July. sure and five "probable cases".

– This disease can have a tragic result for the sick, and a death is reported in the capital, people over 50, according to the Institute of Public Health of the city, with a rating of the most vulnerable are chronic patients

  Mosquitoes transmit the Nile virus
Photo: Tanjug / AP / RAS Serbia
Mosquitoes transmit the Nile virus

Most patients are over fifty (23 or 71.9 but there are also three cases registered in the age group of 20 to 29 years, which have not been threatened to date

.They are residents of ten municipalities they are mostly infected in Palilula (10) and Zemun (6) followed by Rakovica (4), Čukarica and Novi Beograd (3), Vračar (2) and Mladenovac, Surčin, Stari grad and Sopot with a reported case.

See also …

– Although seasonal illness, strict control and systematic control fever is transmitted by biting mosquitoes, and the most common symptoms are very similar to those of the flu: high temperature, headache, fatigue, confusion, backache, muscles and joints, rash and hypertrophy lymph nodes – Dr. Krstić from the Infectious Clinic

Demanding to three municipalities

The biocide institute, which regularly controls mosquitoes, will spend the evening tonight dusting and repression of adult mosquitoes in the territories of New Belgrade, Surcin and Zemun

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