North Korea makes new rockets


The Washington Post reports that US intelligence agencies reported that North Korea was building new missiles

According to newspapers, under cover of anonymity, North Korea seemed to colonize at least , and probably two missiles in a large-scale research center in Sanumdong.

According to the Post, new evidence, including satellite imagery, suggests that intercontinental ballistic missiles on liquid fuel are being built in a plant that has already produced the first rocket capable of

Newspapers say the services Intelligence does not claim that North Korea has expanded its capabilities, but that they continue to develop weapons as a result of the Singapore summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Intelligence officials told the post office that operations are continuing at the Sanumdong facilities, until K was suspended in the Sohae launch station for satellites on the northwest coast, where workers were seen removing the engine test bench

At the Singapore summit last month, Kim agreed to "complete the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula", but the document signed by Kim and Tramp does not contain any details as to whether North Korea should be denuclearized. Immediately after the summit, Tramp tweeted that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat.

Last week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that North Korea still produces nuclear bombs. . He refused to answer questions about the continued progress of North's nuclear program and whether Pyongyang was trying to produce a ballistic missile that could be launched from submarines

. through the "verifiable evidence" of progress towards denuclearization. He said that Kim understood the American definition of denuclearization and that North had not simply "crossed" the Tramp administration

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