NOT A VACCINE! Finally, the CAUSE OF AUTISM is detected, but also how it could be overcome! | Lifestyle


  Autism Could Be Avoided
Autism Could Be Avoided Photo: EPA / Rungroj Yongrit

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During pregnancy, microbial mothers are a key factor in the risk of developing autism spectrum disorders, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Virginia.

This discovery opens the possibility of reducing the risk of developing autism with appropriate changes in the diet of pregnant women or taking the appropriate probiotics.

That there is indeed such a possibility, is confirmed by the fact that scientists have successfully prevented the development of autism in laboratory mouse samples. The risk is reduced by blocking a particular inflammatory molecule of interleukin-17a, created by the defensive system of the body. Experts believe that autism could also be avoided by inhibiting the formation of this molecule.

But, the authors point out that research on these processes is still at an early stage, which means that it is still necessary to see if the other method has undesirable side effects.

Experts also plan to check if they are involved in this process and in other molecules.

– We have found that the microbial is a key factor in determining the tendency to autistic disorders, indicating that we could target the mother with a microbiome or inflammatory molecule of the IL. -17a . sc. John Lukens from the Department of Neuroscience at UVA.

– The molecule could also be used as a biomarker for early diagnosis – added.

It is known that in the human body there are more bacterial cells than humans. Most of them are in the digestive system, where most of them have a positive role. They help us digest, prevent many infections and teach our defense system how to fight. It has been known earlier that microbial disorders can cause many diseases, and in particular certain autoimmune diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

It was also known that the risk factor for the development of autism in genetics, but also that part of the problem could be in the environment.

In a revolutionary new work, Lukens and his associates discovered a complex vase between the microbial health of the pregnant woman and the healthy development of the child.

– The microbiome can shape brain development in different ways. It is very important for calibrating offspring responses to infection, injury and stress – says Lukens.

The UVA team has shown that unhealthy microbial mothers can cause problems in the neurological development of the child. The good thing about this discovery is that microbes can be relatively easily affected by good nutrition, probiotics and transplantation of healthy feces samples. All of these techniques can establish a healthy balance between microorganisms in the digestive system.

Another approach, blocking IL-17a, is much riskier because this inflammatory molecule plays an important role in defending an organism against inflammatory processes. Therefore, playing it could have dangerous undesirable consequences.

Lukens points out that the new work, although it shows the association of neurodevelopmental disorders and defense systems, in no way indicates the link between vaccination and autism.

– There is a definite relationship between the immune response and brain development. However, it has nothing to do with vaccines. It happened much earlier "said Lukens.

Scientists around the world have conducted hundreds of studies to date that have shown that there is no connection between autism and vaccination. The suspicion of this vasoprolysis is due to the fact that the first symptoms of autism are observed at the age when children receive the first vaccines.

However, research, among which one of the most famous of Denmark was conducted on more than half a million people, showed that the proportion of children with Autistic spectrum is the same in vaccinated and unvaccinated children.



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