OFFICE IN PARIS: Collapse of traffic caused by a fire at the station, 2,500 people were evacuated | World


Tanjug |

July 27, 2018 23:27 |

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The Monparnas station in Paris was evacuated because of a big fire, and it is precisely on this date that thousands of passengers began the weekend.

Due to the great fire, the Monparnas station was evacuated to Paris. when thousands of passengers leave for the weekend holidays

The fire that breaks out right next to Microsoft headquarters in France stops the traffic completely in this part of Paris, 2500 people are evacuated and more than 16 000 households without electricity,

Due to the fire that probably broke out on electrical installations, more than 100,000 passengers did not arrive at their destination and were advised to postpone or return the tickets, indicated SNCF in a statement.

Some trains have already left Monparnas station in the afternoon with three hours late, while other departures have been moved to another oligarchs.

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