Old friends "zainile" Prime Minister with an unexpected kiss – News – Life


The long-awaited premiere of the movie "Mama Mia: Let's Go Again", unveiled Monday night in London, was the show itself.

Source: B92

  Photo: Getty

Photo: Getty

Such an impression was given by two friends, sworn Oschhachkins, who prepared a strange scene for the reporters and photojournalists.

Pevaica and the famous Meril Strip actress posed together, then kissed each other in the mouth at one point in front of everyone.

This show definitely covered the London premiere of the film, given that it was one of the most commented events of the evening.

In addition to Meril Strip, in the movie "Mama mia: Let's go again": Endi Garsija, Pirs Brosnan, Lili Dejms and others

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