ON HILJADE PEOPLE'S HOME: A firemen tornado in California drives trees and overtakes cars (VIDEO) | World


Fires in the California district of Shasta, combined with strong winds, form "tornadoes of fire" raging trees and knock down cars, reports Bi-Bi-Si citing a local official of fires. Vortices – something that can literally be described as a tornado, "said Ken H. Pimlot, director of the California Forest and Fire Department.

About 37,000 people were forced to leave their homes because of forest fires in northern California. Two firefighters were killed.

There are at least 500 buildings destroyed in the fire and thousands of homes are threatened, according to Bi-Bi-Si.

There are more than 3,400 firefighters on the ground, but the local fire department warns that the rest of the week will prevail in hot, dry weather, which could worsen the situation with fires.

Local newspapers say three people are missing.

with the stigmatization of fire, and so far only five percent of the fire has been closed.


Due to a furious anger in California, Josemiti National Park will not be fully open to visitors for a week and, from here there, "limited visits" will be available. Josemiti has been closed since July 25 for smoke due to a fire that swept an area of ​​186 square kilometers and of which 29 percent is now located, according to AP.

Park officials announced that Josemites would be fully open to visitors. READ MORE: FIRE AND HEAT IN CALIFORNIA: A victim, retirees in danger

The closure of this park has disappointed tourists, many because of Josémitte and of his spectacular scenes planned for months in advance.

MORE: California: fires forced thousands of people to evacuate

In California, fires were fatal

Authorities are waiting for the fires Northern California's fire continues to move to urban areas, and more than 5,000 people have been evacuated to shelters, a local official said yesterday.

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