Online Policy – Start of Western Balkans Summit


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Foreign and Home Affairs Ministers Ivica Dacic and Nebojsa Stefanovic will attend the Western Balkans Summit in London on Monday and Tuesday. It is a gathering that will bring together the leaders of the region and the highest European leaders. They will discuss economic cooperation, focusing on the region, the security and challenges of the migration crisis, the future of the Berlin Process and current political developments in the region, the Office reported. of the Government

. A meeting of Foreign Ministers will be held, which will include Minister Dačić. As the ministry has announced, in addition to the heads of the diplomatic missions of the countries of the region, the participants in the meeting will be the EU member states participating in the activities of the Berlin Process: Germany, Austria, France , Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia. On this occasion, Dacic announced that he would meet Stefanovic with the ministers of internal and external affairs, followed by a central summit of prime ministers with heads of state and government of some countries of the world. EU

"The focus of the summit is that in general someone wanted to show that the EU's enlargement to the Western Balkans continues to be present on the EU agenda, "said Minister RTS, adding that German Chancellor Angela Merkel owes her recognition to this initiative

Dačić. They put forward ideas that you should stop the admission of new members into the EU. "So, in this case, specifically for Serbia and Montenegro, it was very important that the idea was to define 2025 as a framework term for eventual membership," Dačić said.

He also stated that the United Kingdom Stresses that this year's summit is not only a matter of economy or liaison, but also of political issues such as reconciliation in the region or missing persons.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Brnabić will participate tomorrow in the summit hosted by British Prime Minister Theresa May, and will include a German can Lark Angela Merkel, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, High Representative of the EU for Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogerini, European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, President of the European Investment Bank Verner Hoyer, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development development Suma Chakrabarti and others European officials.

The Beta Agency recalled that for this reason, the Prime Minister previously felt that it was a "very positive initiative that looks to the future and contributes not only to the". economy and model approaching the region, but the real benefit of the Western Balkans. "Brnabić said that one of the important topics of the upcoming London summit will be the help for digital coupling, but that the emphasis remains on regional cooperation and security, as well as on regional economic and infrastructure projects

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