Online Policy – The global migration package of the UN has been accepted by all except the United States


BERLIN – The United Nations adopted their first comprehensive package on immigration, approved by representatives of 192 states, while only the United States have a different opinion, while Hungary is " in the role of parentheses ".

The adopted package means commitment to international cooperation with regard to migrants, including refugees, which means that no single country can face the challenges and opportunities of migration. this global phenomenon.

The UN General Assembly is Consent was given by representatives of 192 states, while only the United States have a different opinion, and the reason is that "no one can prescribe the immigration policy at home ".

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siaarto broke the good mood after the agreement was reached, announcing the possibility of withdrawing his country from the treaty.

The government fears that the agreement will lead to contrary measures. Reiterates its commitment to migrants and refugees, German media said, adding that Viktor Orban's government would make the final decision next week.

The Migration Package is the first international document on the attitude towards migrants in the world. the document should first open new perspectives for legal immigration.

UN representatives say that the goal is to create the conditions for safe and orderly migration through international cooperation and national sovereignty

The Secretary-General Antonio Guterez described the document as a "significant success" and urged all countries to consider migration as "a positive global phenomenon".

The President of the UN General Assembly A representative of the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Miroslav Lajcak, declares that "the UN now has an instrument for managing the migratory process ".

United Nations Special Envoy for Global Migration, Luiz Arbor

"Negative terms like illegal migrants are humiliating – not people who do not pay taxes are not called illegal taxpayers, "says Arburov, and suggests that irregular migrants should not be criminalized.

UN Secretary-General Juan Kamaco declares that it is a historic day for the United Nations and multilateralism and especially for millions of migrants

This text should be signed by the Heads of state and government of the UN member countries. (Tanjug)

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