Online Politics – Hyundai: Car Sales Lose Jobs in the United States


ALONE – The Hyundai Workers' Union warned today that a sharp increase in customs duties on cars could cost Americans tens of thousands of jobs and worried the United States. global car industry because of trade disputes between the United States and other countries.

The unions of the largest South Korean auto company said that if US President Donald Tramp imposed a 25 percent duty on cars, Hiundai's US sales would be jeopardized and 20,000 jobs would be lost. . Rally in Alabama,

This union organization, which has 51,000 members in South Korea, recalls that in its contracts with Hiundai Motoro, a clause guarantees that the company will close its factories at the beginning of the year. 39, foreigner before closing his factories in the South. Korea if restructuring becomes inevitable.

"If South Korean car exports to the United States are blocked and the sale is threatened, the American factory in Alabama, open since May 2005, could be the first to be closed What significance and the fact that some 20,000 American workers are likely to be fired, "said the group in a statement.

The union added that it expected South Korea to be exempt from customs duties on cars.

vehicles have already been sanctioned for renegotiating a bilateral trade agreement with the United States.

Seoul and Washington agreed to postpone the abolition of tariffs to Korean vans for another 20 years, a measure that caused the discontent of the auto industry, but on the other hand, the South Korea benefited from an exemption from US duties on imported steel, according to the AP.

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