Oric Declaration – a threat to the Serbian people


In a written statement to the media, Linta says that Oric and the Bosnian elite can not come to terms with the fact that there is a Republika Srpska and that Bosnia and Herzegovina has no It is not a state but a state union composed of Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Yesterday, I still mentioned war clashes, saying that "the next war will come a little faster than we received it."

"What I tell you," says Matija Bećković, their Serbian academic. "Oric threatened new conflicts when promoting the book" Life before and after Srebrenica "in the premises of the Islamic Educational Faculty of Zenica, the public greeted thunder

" It is clear that he there are powerful forces in the Bosnian people who want a new war against the Serbian people in order to once again try to carry out the program of Alija Izetbegovic, the creation of the unitary Islamic BiH from which the most Serbs would have been expelled or killed, and the rest would be second class citizens, "said Lint

It is dangerous for the Western powers to openly support the Bosnians, and the Serbs have committed the alleged aggression in BiH and the alleged genocide in Srebrenica

Linta also believes that Serbia and the Republika Srpska should constantly insist on respect for the Dayton Accords, on the return of the abolished jurisdiction in Republika S the people and insist and work more concretely on the punishment of those responsible for many crimes against Serbs in the center of Podrinje, Sarajevo, Bosanska Posavina, municipalities of West-Krajina, Bosnia Central, Western Herzegovina and many others.

"It is tragic that Naser Oric is still free from all hatred and calls for a new war," said Linta, who urged the Serbian war crimes prosecutor to continue the investigation against Naser Oric and to to provide sound and valid evidence of his responsibility for war crimes against Serbs.

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