OSVETA: Kill 300 crocodiles for the death of friends World


Tanjug |

July 16, 2018 22:28 |


Villagers from an Indonesian village, armed with knives, hammers and toilets, killed the 292 crocodiles in the name of the revenge of a man killed by a crocodile on a farm of crocodiles

armed with knives, hammers and toilets, killed all 292 crocodiles in the name of a revenge for the death of a man killed by a crocodile on a crocodile farm, a declared a local manager.

The head of the Indonesian Natural Resources Conservation Agency in West Papua claims that the 48-year-old victim entered the crocodile farm and was likely to gather grass to feed cattle before the animals do not attack it.

"The employee heard someone screaming and asking for help, he went quickly there and saw the crocodile attack someone," he said in a statement. communicated.

READ MORE: The shumans outperformed the crocodile

After the burial of a man on Saturday, the locals entered the farm and killed all the crocodiles, he said. added.

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