Patients with hepatitis in RS are available with the latest generation of therapy


BANJALUKA – The latest generation therapy is available for patients with hepatitis in Republika Srpska, but the problem is a shortage of tests for the detection of the disease, Srne Coordinator of the Association of the 39 chronic viral hepatitis B18 "Zdenko Simonovic".

On the occasion of the World Hepatitis Day on July 28, Simonovic pointed out that hepatitis awareness in Serbia is not enviable, but citizens have reflected on these ills these last ten years, contributing to organized information campaigns

"Accurate data on the number of people in the population in Serbia do not have, but it is estimated that about a quarter of the population Total suffers from hepatitis C and two to eight percent from hepatitis B, "Simonovic said. Hepatitis B is transmitted primarily through the pole and through the blood, which would require testing for health professionals and patients with unstable polar relationships. "Hepatitis C is transmitted through the blood and in the blood" Simonovic pointed out that in the Republika Srpska in the treatment of hepatitis C, 20 According to him, the association "B18 Also mark this year's World Hepatitis Day, and the central event will be organized tomorrow at Krajina Square in Banja Luka, where Volunteer Local Volunteer Volunteers "OKC" Citizens share a material didactics on viral hepatitis

The Association "B18" recalled that nearly 400 million people worldwide are suffering from viral hepatitis, one of the leading causes of death and 1.34 million lives a year 19659003] The Association also reports that hepatitis B and C viruses are the cause of 80% of liver cancers worldwide.

A l & # 39; 39th occasion of World Hepatitis Day, the medical staff of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of Banja Luka gold Today, free, voluntary and anonymous Hepatitis B tests are offered. C.

The interested citizens can be tested on the ground floor of the Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases of the University Clinic
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