Pituitary Disease Warning: This is a new superbacter?


A little known bacterium that is transmitted by the polar route could become a new super-bacterium, warn the ropes. This is a question of Mycoplasma genitalium bacteria that often does not cause any symptoms, but not if it can not cause a lot of problems, including infertility. The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV has published a new document containing tips on how to prevent this disease.

Source: B92

  Photo: Thinkstockphotos

Photo: Thinkstockphotos

This bacterium in the mucous membranes can cause urethral inflammation and reproductive organs – the uterus and uterine light.

Nain transmissions are unhealthy intercourse, that is, without a condom, with the person who "transports" the bacteria.

MG does not always cause inflammation, which is not always necessary to cure drugs, but often it fails to diagnose or "fly" with the drug. hlamydia.

And that's the part that worries the strunjake.

MG testing has become more reliable than ever, but not available.

The omnipresence of the eradication of MG antibiotics worldwide is decreasing. This is the case of Britain, it is now about 40%, and Dr. Peter Grinhaus calls for pride.

"It's time for the public to know the existence of Mycoplasma genitalium, which is another good reason for you to have a condom with you," he told the BBC

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