Politika Online – Ballet at the opening of "Exit"


One of the most important music festivals in us "Exit" will be open tonight in Novi Sad and will last until Sunday. More than forty bars and musical areas along the Petrovaradin Fortress will be played by a thousand artists from the country and abroad, and the American hip hop group Migos and the legendary singer Grays Jones will be the biggest stars of the festival

. and the art-pop of El Pi and Fiver Rej on the main stage of the Petrovaradin Fortress, will be followed by a great music-performance performance, inspired by freedom, the theme of the festival of this year. One of the greatest ballet players of today – Sergej Polunjin will come out on stage, and the entire performance, featuring more than 40 performers and Armenian virtuoso violinist Hatchatur Almazian, will be broadcast in Live on the Exit Facebook Page.

(Photo Beta Polunjin, balletist, actor and choreographer of Ukrainian origin, became the youngest champion of the Royal Ballet of London at the age of nineteen, sees the performance at the Petrovaradin Fortress as a step forward in the unconventional scenic expression is for me, and the appearance at Exit is a manifesto of this freedom, "said Polunin, who recently took part in a promotional video for the Official opening of the National Museum.

Sergei Polunin: The personal sense of freedom is essential for me, After the performance, the public, as every year, will enjoy the fireworks, then the members of the American hip-hop band the most titled "Migos" will come out on stage, which is due to a great popularity "Guardian" compared to "Bitls." In addition to the lineup of the Atlanta trio, the Fortress will perform at the Fortress tonight including Ricky Hotin, Ameli Lens, Ben Klok, Ad am Beyer and Ida Engberg

Frank Montana, Bob Marley-Ziggy's son, Karl Kreg, Majica Pleska, Mother Servita, composition "Medbol", "Bed kopi" … Udar, Saturday night at the Petrovaradin fortress will mark the concert from Grays Jones on the main stage. Today, after more than four decades of career, the singer, model and actress is one of the most influential manifestations of pop culture, which with her avant – garde works, and with the androgynous image, has destroyed the prejudices. In addition to musical icons originating from Jamaica, "Offenbach", Solomun, "Disappls", "Sanšajn" will perform, and the famous national group "Bajaga and instructors" will perform for the first time at the festival of Novi Sad.

The largest scenes of the Petrovaradin Fortress – the main stage and the Dens Arena – were further enhanced and the public expects a record number of LED screens, system, as well as the last generations. Lighting Equipment and Stage Effects

In addition to musical entertainment, "Exit" offers visitors a number of other content – from musical lectures to workshops to roundtables . At one of the roundtables on youth employment in the Western Balkans and the accession of Serbia to the European Union, will participate the representative of the Directorate-General for Social Policy. neighborhood and negotiations on the enlargement of the European Commission Mirijam Feran

. feel the Art in the Gallery of Matica Srpska "with the desire to promote Serbian art and approaching foreign tourists, who each year in a growing number of" Exit "walk. [19659009] (function (d, s, id) {
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