Politika Online – Djuric: The Kosovo army would serve to undermine the conflict


The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, called on all Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija not to participate in any way in the formation of a Kosovo army that would only serve 39 to undermine the conflict.

Djuric told Pink TV "I am proud to say that we are against the Kosovo Army and myself, President Aleksandar Vucic and the government, and I urge all Kosovo Serbs not to participate in the training of the Kosovar army. " (19659002) in this formation, because it would be exclusive Djuric stressed that the KiM Serbs are under strong pressure and that the recent attacks have failed and are aimed at aggravating the overall position of the Serbs in order to negotiate. "This goal will not be achieved because Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are not afraid and boldly and proudly protect their homes, and we will continue to stand together as a state and help them survive. and to survive. " Djuric

asked for a list of 200 Serbs from Djakovica who sue The Pristina scandal was accused of crimes, which some media call a "slaughter list", Djuric says this list is absurd since no one has been convicted for 20 years for "thousands of murders, the persecution of hundreds of thousands of Serbs and an unknown number of"

"In such conditions, someone, instead of cleaning up his court, now try to accuse the Serbs of alleged war crimes. All criminals must be punished, but first in front of a mirror, clean it in front of their garden, "said the director of the Office for KiM.

The president of the PSG asked President Aleksandar Vucic for the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Djuric. He recalled that while he was acting as Citizen Protector, Saša Jankovic did not write a single line on the position of Serbs in Kosovo

"He was in the job description to protect He added that when Serbia is struggling to save what was lost when the "Jankovic government" was running Serbia, Jankovic publicly proposed to Pristina to defend the position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija two places at the UN

"This is evidence of political disorientation and inefficiency of its policy. The citizens of Serbia must know that the other attacks perpetrated by Djilas, Jeremic and Obradovic are not independent, that is, an attack, an attempt to attack the state on Kosovo. Metohija from the inside, "said Djuric.The opposition representatives agreed that, regardless of what Serbia does with KiM, they attack it

" All to try to take advantage politically the most sensitive subject for the Serbs. Can you imagine that someone is doing the same thing on the Albanian side, "he said.

Djuric concluded that the opposition attacks are the same as the attacks of Albanian politicians linked to the Kosovo army and that citizens should know about attack from different directions. " (Tanjug)

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