Pompeo arrived in North Korea for negotiations on denuclearization


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remains in North Korea to continue talks on the end of the Pyongyang nuclear weapons program, according to US intelligence estimates that the North American leader Korean Kim Jong Un would continue to develop the infrastructure of his nuclear program. Kim Jong-Cole, former senior official of the ruling party and Foreign Minister, Ri Jong Hoom, welcomed him for the first time at the airport

"After the summit, consultations were held continued, "said Pompeo. "In this trip, I ask to give some details about these commitments and to create a momentum in the implementation of what the two leaders promised each other and to the world.I expect that the People's Republic of China is ready for the same thing, the return of the remains of US soldiers killed during the Korean War of 1950-53 is realized.The two parties have suggested that North Korea is ready to hand over a few tens, if not Hundreds of mortal remains.

But just before the arrival of Pompe, the northern media criticized Washington for its criticism of human rights in North Korea that Donald Tramp set up to observe Kim's promises in Singapore to denuclearize the Korean peninsula, he will hold talks in the North Korean capital for two days.This is Pompey's third visit to North Korea this year and the first time that he's been there. Ell will spend the night.

  The objectives of the visit of the US Secretary of State, Pompeii, North Korea


At the Singapore Summit, Kim accepted the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula, but details of how and when that could have been worked out. Pompeo hopes to push North Korea to write a plan to end Pyongyang's nuclear program, and the North will provide details on how verification can be done

But the US media in recent days is showing an image of what they say is an extension buildings related to the nuclear program in North Korea.

  North Korea rocket production facility at Hamhung, view of this satellite image made on June 29, 2018.

North Korea rocket production facility at Hamhung Tramp, however, continued to promote the results of the summit, even despite the skepticism of some US lawmakers.

The day after the summit, Tramp said, "Everyone now feels a lot safer than one the day I took my job, there is more to nuclear threat from North Korea. "

This week, Tramp told Twitter that his administration had" a lot of good discussions "with North Koreans about their denuclearization plan and why" all of Asia is thrilled. "He said, "If it were not for me, we would now be at war with North Korea!"

National Security Advisor John Bolton said North Korea could dismantle its nuclear arsenal in a year, but Other US officials have expressed hope that this could be achieved by the end of Tramp's first term in the White House in January 2021.

Sung Jun Li, professor of Korean studies at the University of Hawaii. Tafts University, told Voice of America that denuclearization The United States and North Korea, where Washington implies that it only applies to Pyongyang, while North Korea Calls for the Korean Peninsula to be cleared of nuclear weapons areas, although nothing n & # 39; indicates that South Korea also has & # 39; a nuclear arsenal.

He said that North Korea, "considering the possibility of its withdrawal from a nuclear weapon and calling for a post-summit summit," the second meeting with Tramp, manages to negotiate through the details of all denuclearization.

Li says that North Korea has created "an illusion, the appearance of concessions" to the United States by releasing three of the Americans and destroying one of its nuclear facilities to prompt the United States to soften sanctions against the North.

He says that relations between the United States and North Korea have "radically reversed" North Korean profits in recent months.

Li said that the expansion of Kim's nuclear infrastructure, even after the Singapore summit. Korea has been working for 25 years, "promising in exchange for tough negotiations in the hope of receiving concessions from the United States."

(Victor Beti of the Voice of America participated in the writing of this story.)

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