Publication of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren Serbian Orthodox Church [Званични сајт]


The diocese of Raska-Prizren

Since the recent announcement of Bishop Teodosije's appeal to the increasingly frequent mention of the idea of ethnic division of Kosovo and Metohija, an avalanche of convictions and accusations emphasize that Bishop Theodosius, as bishop of Kosovo and Metohija, deeply feels the moral and spiritual obligation to take care of the shepherds of its believers, but when necessary and to warn against the possible negative consequences that can ensue in a situation where the people is threatened and its survival. For our Church, the distribution of Kosovo and Metohija is more and more mentioned in the media, not only political, but especially by the fate of tens of thousands of faithful and saints.

Bishop Teodosije in his Apel did not diminish the efforts of the President of the Republic. Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of Serbia, as it is understood that it is the duty and obligation of those in power to take care of their territory governed by the Constitution and of all the citizens of the Republic of Serbia. This view, as well as the concern expressed in the bishop's appeal, stems clearly from the strong and unique position of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church

In the first part Bishop Teodosije, with his appeal, mentioned with gratitude the help of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. the last twenty years, not making the difference that the political party was in power. The State of Serbia, or more exactly the people of Serbia, is helping its fellow citizens in Kosovo and Metohija to survive, to perpetuate the existing and to restore the destroyed heritage. A number of local and foreign charities, who generously contributed selflessly to our people, were also mentioned. All that has been given to us has been gratefully received and used exclusively for the purpose of restoring churches, monasteries and improving the lives of our faithful, as we will continue to do. Therefore, pure consciousness, all we get, we receive with clear awareness that no one can buy us this money. The Serbian people and their leaders have always been concerned about their shrines, even in the times of the secular Turkish authorities, with the awareness that they are not investing in their own glory, but for the good and the good. the well-being of the whole people.

In this context, for the diocese of Raska and Prizren, it is completely innocent to begin a media conflict which, unfortunately, was launched in a personal capacity, precisely irresponsible accusations against Bishop Theodosius on the day of the publication of Apel. But, as our people say, "The snow does not fall to cover the bank, but everyone shows his trace", we are sorry if anyone in this situation was calling himself personally. It is much more important now to focus on the serious problem facing all of us and solve it with the responsibility and attention of each of our peoples wherever he lives in Kosovo and Metohija

. 19659008] Date in the office of the diocese of Raska-Prizren
Gracanica July 28, 2018 [en serbe] 19659004] Source: Diocese of Raska-Prizren

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