05. 07. 2018.
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PUKLA TIKVA! Andrijana still PRECRTAL to Sanja and Mator, then turned to the mom of Djekson! (VIDEO)
Pinkova Zvezda does not want to talk about ex-girlfriends.
Pinkova zvezda i zadrugarka koja i definitivno obilježila prvu sezonu najgledanijih rijalitija na ovim prostorima, Andrijana Radonjić gostovala i danas u jutarnjem programu Televizije Pink " Novo jutro – Dea i Sarapa " [19659005] She revealed on this occasion what she would have changed in her behavior for a period of several months in " Cooperatives ".
What I would change in the Riyal, is that I would like to give a little attention to those that I have given, I would spend more time with Zoran, because in the end she turned out to be the only true friend. When I say that, I mean on both Sanja and Mator, but also on other people. Probably they think the same thing for me, I heard that they mentioned something, but I do not charge, I do not comment. I wrote a letter to Sanja, so that she no longer commented, I warned her, I did not know that this production would be taken away from us. I heard her say that I did it tactically, if she thinks so, that's her problem, "says Radonjic.
The singer then explains how things are going in her relationship that she also started in the White House with a repertoire. Nemanjom Đerićem Đeksonom.
We are working, until I was with him. It's not a normal and boring relationship that I've ever had.We have a lot of obligations.There must be a lot of understanding for such connections, it's a little complicated We do not care about the phone and so on.I met the team, everyone accepted me.I met his mother Dragan, I greet him from this way .. Dusko and Djekson have greeted normally.I have the right to lead my life as I think, to accept everything – said the singer –
Finish the tour from Andrian in "New Morning", see below.
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