Putin calls the tramp to the guests | World



July 27, 2018 21:15 |

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The President of the Johannesburg Russia has surprised the world with his announcement. Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the commitment of President Donald Trump to keep the promises made during the election campaign and declared himself ready for a new meeting with him in Washington or Moscow. That is, without responding directly to the Tramp's previous call to visit the White House, nor to the subsequent postponement of the Washington meeting for next year, Putin has confirmed his desire to meet again soon.

He said he was ready to travel to Washington. if there are appropriate conditions. The next day, US National Security Advisor John Bolton, who Tramp ordered to prepare for the arrival of a Moscow host in Washington, said the meeting was postponed until 2019, while states States "do not end the witch hunt". As the previous president of the White House in Helsinki, surprised the Americans:

– We are ready for such a meeting, we are ready to call President Tramp in Moscow. He was already invited and I told him – he told Putin's media at the BRICS Summit, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, Johannesburg.

READ MORE: Putin gave a chip to Tramp (VIDEO)

Surprising American media rushed to get confirmation of this call to the White House, but they reported that A certificate was not received from the prestigious Washington address

they are both ready for new meetings, but he notes that the conditions must be adequate and adds that meetings with Tramp are helpful not only for Russia and the United States, but for the whole world.

The real plus for the Tramp, is that he is committed to keeping his promises, in the first place he gave voters – Putin said

that he is a unique feature "because, as a rule, some leaders quickly forget what they promised people as soon as possible is to choose for they do," said Putin:

– But Tramp n & # Do not forget. You can criticize him for what he does, and some people criticize him, however, it remains absolutely clear – he is committed to fulfilling his election promises – Putin said

The telephone conversations between Moscow and Washington, the Russian president concluded, are not enough, and the two sides must meet to talk. Speaking, without going into details, on the topics of the Helsinki meeting, Putin said that a whole series of these issues "concern a very large number of countries in the world, including Europe.

Meanwhile, Tramp announced on his "Tviter" that he did not know, as previously claimed by the Si-En-En television channel, for a meeting of his son Donald Junior's members and a pre-election team with the Russians in the "Tramp" tower in 2016. At this meeting, the Russians, members of the Tramp team, reportedly offered information likely to harm the image of his Democratic rival , Hilary Clinton.


The US Secret Service announces that "all gifts that the President is subject to a detailed security screening" and even the adidas red ball and White, which Putin publicly called at the summit in Helsinki given to Tramp, is no exception.

The statement followed the speculation that the bullet had an indiscreet ear! The ball, if not, has an integrated chip used to indicate to the referee whether the ball has crossed the goal line.

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