RACCEP STARTED IN VALENCIA: War on extinction caused by missing cocaine | Black chronicle


War between "the scarecrow" and the "kavachka clan" for three and a half years angry against the territory of Serbia and Montenegro. These two belligerent camps were once a unique "borough clan", and they worked for years until the work broke out between friends.

photo: Printscreen, Illustration

The disappearance of 200 kilograms of cocaine from the apartment in Valencia in 2014 divided the Kotorans into two clans, named after the suburban settlements – Scalar and Kavač. As it was said, the apartment whose drug disappeared belonged to Goran Radoman, who was at the time under the care of Cuba because of the traffic. He remained behind bars for a long time, because Diego Maradona, the legendary Argentine player, helped him, who negotiated the intervention of a famous Serbian businessman. However, as Radoman returned to Spain, the drug was gone.
Djurickovic was the kum of the first victim of this war, radicals radoman "m_id =" 1548261 "src =" http://www.kurir.rs/data/images/2018/07/09/10/1548261_radomir-djurickovic1- foto-vijesti_ff.jpg? ver = 1531124789 "/>

Destroy evidence burned by the reno-megan used by the assassins of Radomir Djurikovic on October 10, 2016. đuričković was the kum of the first victim of this war gorana radomana photo: Vijesti.me

One of the clan members speaks to hell, he took a cocaine to pay for the fact that he was not in prison while he was in prison worried about what 's going on. he thought he should do. And that's the zero point of the war.

An unprecedented series of cruel liquidations began in Belgrade in February 2015 with the assassination of Goran Radoman, who was liquidated at the entrance of his building. From that moment, the victims of the war only went down, both in Montenegro and in Serbia, and at the end of this conflict, none of the former close associates was seen.

  crushed the Montenegrin police on the murder of Sekulović's orbit in Podgorica on January 19, 2017. The victim is linked to a kawak clan
by Montenegrin police crushed in the homicide of Sekulović àorđe in Podgorica on January 19, 2017. The victim is put in touch with kavačkim klanom photo: vijesti.me Savo Prelević

Four people who were in no way connected with the criminal activities of the "Scarlet" and the "Kovacian clan" were killed in previous accounts in the Montenegrin media. are collateral damage, victims accidentally found in the wrong place at the wrong time.

(Kurir.rs/ D.S.-J.I./ Photo: printskrin jutjub, MUP)


Kotoranin Jovica Vukotic (38) was appointed chief of the clan of the security service. His closest collaborators are brother Igor and Igor Dedovic. Vukotic was only sentenced once and several proceedings against him were terminated or were acquitted, or other people were guilty of guilt.

  Igor Dedovic and Jovica Vukotic
Igor Dedovic and Jovica Vukotic

He allegedly spent nine months from November 2014 to August 2015 in a Spuz prison for having participated in the attempted murder in 2002. He was also sentenced to three months for the pistol, who was searched in his Jeep in the village of Skaljari. Vukotić is responsible for a national warrant because he did not support this sentence. Vukotić's brothers were attacked several times in Belgrade and Montenegro, in 2008 a shot was fired at Dobrota, and in 2013 a spoon was thrown into their father's house. Jovica Vukotic has been linked to drug trafficking, and the prosecution is investigating him for tax evasion.


The leaders of the "kavak clan" are Slobodan Kašćelan and Radoje Zvicer. Kašelan became known to the general public after his failed assassination in 2016 in Novi Sad, and officially he is on the run. After alleged attempts to assassinate, he allegedly promised to remove all "scabs" from the ground – until the last one. The second leader of this clan, Radoje Zvicer, reportedly hid in an area called Josip Babic.

  Slobodan Kašćelan
Slobodan Kašćelan photo: Printscreen / YouTube

In a video released on the Internet last December, Zvicer has a good relationship in the police and security services, but also behind the international drug smuggling and drug smuggling. funding of dozens of murders in Montenegro and the region. Also, at that time, photographs appeared with the explanation that he had transplanted his hair to Istanbul. Near his home in Kotor two years ago, he was reportedly found a hidden hiding place, suspected of being one of the "kavchana" burdens for the most serious crimes. The cover of the entrance to the hiding place is hidden so that it looks like a sewer well.

  Radoje Zvicer
Radoje Zvicer photo: Printscreen / YouTube


  • Jocica Jovan Vukotic and Igor Dedovic
  • They have been busy since the beginning of drug smuggling, and they are also involved in taking up premises, commercial premises and cafes in the goal of "scarecrows" by relatives of Darko Saric


  • Named after the colony of Kotor in Montenegro
  • The rulers are considered Slobodan Kašćelan and Radoje Zvicer
  • They deal with various criminal acts – selling drugs, greening, stealing vehicles and weapons , murder

    photo: MUP

    Goran Radoman

    Radoman is the first casualty of the war and he is suspected of being killed by a "Caucasian clan". He was killed in a garage in New Belgrade. He was reportedly liquidated because he was the main one responsible for stealing 200 kilograms of cocaine in Valencia in 2014.

    photo: Screen Print

    Sasa Markovic

    A former MP was killed at the ambush in Budva on May 17, 2015 while he was returning home . Later, it was found that he was liquidated with a mistake and that his target was Goran Goran Djurickovic.

    Ivan Lopicic

    The murder took place on June 26, 2015, at the entrance to the Kotor Sveti Vrači settlement, at the entrance to the building where Lopičić lived. The killer was close to the "sculptural clan".

    photo: Private Archives

    Goran Ðuričković

    Zet's football legend, Vladimir Petrovic, was liquidated on October 27, 2015. The killer reportedly shot him from a shooter elite, in the garden of the "Old Fishermen" shop of Djurickovic in Budva. You do not know which clan is behind his murder.

    Radovan Matovic Rakela

    His body was found on February 21, 2016 in an "auditorium" parked near Villa Mega in Djenovici. He was liquidated with two bullets in the head. The police found another bullet in a nearby meadow and in a car two shells.

    Srdjan Vlahovic

    He was killed in the Kotor colony in Dobrota on April 9, 2016. The executor shot Vlahovic while he was sitting in a car from which he sold cigarettes. Vlahovic was a member of the security of the leaders of the "Kovacian clan".

    Goran Ducic

    The body of Kragujevac, chief of security of the head of the "sculptural clan" Jovica Vukotic, spread on June 17, 2016 near the Zezelj bridge in Novi Sad. Ducic was in the evening when he disappeared on a raft from Novi Sad.

    Goran Biskupovic

    Friends, Goran Biskupovic and Milos Bosnjak were killed on September 5, 2016, when an unknown attacker activated the bomb while he was traveling in a family house in the Muo colony in Montenegro. Biskupovic was a member of the "Scarf Clan".

    Dalibor Ðurić

    A member of the "Scarecrow Clan" was killed on September 22, 2016 by an elite gunman in Spuž Prison. The suspects are Milos Trbo and Dejan Pavicevic, both from Kotor.

    photo: Vijesti.me

    Radomir Djurickovic

    Liquid in Cetinje on October 10, 2016. The investigation revealed that behind the crime lies the "Caucasian clan". The suspects are Mario Milosevic, Vukan Vujacic and Igor Mašanovic.

    SEE VIDEO BONUS: A new mafia bribe is on the way!


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