RADE ŠERBEDŽIJA: I'm sorry, I've never worked with Kusturica, I respect him terribly | Culture


Tanjug |

July 15, 2018 22:46 |

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Aleksandar Lifka was awarded to the famous actor Rade Šerbedžija for his outstanding contribution to the European film at the 25th European Film Festival on the summer stage in Palic.

Šerbedžija was previously at a press conference He said that he thought a lot about him in the company of fantastic filmmakers, but that he was particularly pleased that Milena Dravic received the first prize "Lifka" which is "a movie itself."

"The eyes of Milena Dravic are Yugoslavian films" He adds

Sherbedzija is particularly enthusiastic about returning to Subotica, the most important city for him.

"There are two good reasons for this: the first is that I, as a man of art, cinema and theater, have reached Subotica the peak of maturation of my acting personality, and this is not only the genius Ljubisa Ristic, but also this city and its audience.In this pitiful nature there was a special energy.Another reason is my Lenka that I have met, with whom I have three children and all my life, "says Sherbedzija.

He recalled the times of the former Yugoslavia and stated that too many films had been filmed. "

" When we filmed films in the former Yugoslavia and were big stars in film and television, how many did we record? Dragan, me, Pavle Vuisic, we went from movie to movie. We did it like in a factory, and we were only a little better paid, only to spend more for me in the bars, so that our position as stars in our socialist society was very interesting and funny ", Sherbedzija said he acknowledged that there were many films that he did not need to record and that he was sorry for it.

"Only Becky Fehmiu has been a worldwide success, so agents have created its recording pace. We recorded all the others a lot and later when I went to the world and despite the fact that I immediately recorded two big films "Before the Rain" and "Saints", I could not refuse any more. to record movies that I did not want.

"It was a time when the American film was fantastic, powerful, and then, for the last 10-15 years, the American movie itself has eaten." Everyone works on television, the big ones actors, filmmakers, television ate everything, distributors do not want to distort movies and monopoly television represents the greatest danger to the cinematographic art, "adds Sherbedzija


"Nobody drives the girl to the movies, but immediately in the room with the TV.This is a comfortable lifestyle.There are more cinematic festivities and that is why the festivals are terribly important because they're the only places where movies are seen with dignity belonging to this art. "

He also mentioned two types of actors – the ones like John Wayne, who was the same in all movies and always brilliant, o u Bata Živojinović and Boris Dvornik, who were similar in all roles and always fantastic, and there are also those like Dustin Hoffman and Robert de Niro who had the honor of shaping different characters. ] "I think I belong to both types." I played different characters, but it's kind of my theatrical experience, because art belongs above all to the theater, and all that belongs to a movie is what the mother has given me.It is what the camera reveals.That does not matter then the game, if you are enough intelligent or have enough interesting privacy.

He also said that his passion at an early age was a book and that he did not dream of being an actor.

"My passion was shared between a professional footballer and literature studies. I did not want to admit the ambition of being a writer because it can not be planned. The writer becomes or does not become a writer by profession, but I was interested in being a professor of high-level literature or journalism, as this has to do with writing, "Sherbedzija said, admitting that his greatest passions in his life were football.

"I shot four movies and a series with Zika Pavlovic, of which I was in love and whose aesthetics always amazed me." I recorded with Makavej, Goran Markovic, Zafranovic, Grlić, Istvud, Kjubrik, Francesko Rozi, I'm sorry, I've never worked with Kusturica, I respect him terribly, and I think he's going to make more crazy movies, said Sherbedzija, adding that he realized, working in the movie "The Liberation of Skopje", that he was not a director

. the time they lived and worked intensely, was the only one to believe that there was a young Stenli Kjubrik or a young Zivojin Pavlovic

He observes that today's life is so exploded and fast that people do not see each other, that time we go too fast and we are condemned to the contemporary life and civilization that we have created ourselves. "

" I admire our bodies and our brains how we manage to manage this bombing with sounds, abnormal and horrible information. Katstrofa here, an earthquake there, you experience all the possible stresses in five minutes and it's terribly dangerous and that's why there are so many diseases because our body can not stand it anymore and it's probably going to stop building movie shops. 19659004] He honestly says that he does not watch movies, and rarely plays.

"I prefer life, live a real life, play football, love bars, love crazy people and cinema," says

Sherbedgia is organizing a concert tonight in Subotica but he says that singing and poetry have become his hobby become more than that.

"I continue to understand this as a kind of improvisation and a desire to go out with my audience I lost because I have been in Brioni for only two months and I only play King Lir during 18 years old, every summer for four concerts, and now I play at Kreont, that's all I play at the theater and the actor he's not playing at the theater. And he has to continue to do the exercise constantly, so he holds the audience

All the former winners of the prize "Aleksandar Lifka" got their tile on one of Palic's references, and this year they will sign on movie chairs, what Sherbedzija did first, and tomorrow and Brian Cox.

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