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  Solving the problem of excessive sweating
Solving the problem of excessive sweating photo: Profimedia

The increase of perspiration is a persistent problem that bothers many people of all generations .
Unfortunately, it is a very unpleasant problem, however, pharmacists and pharmacists have discovered a formula for the treatment of clinically visible hyperhidrosis in the last 15 years, or as we call it " excessive sweating ".

Perspi-Guard Spray is a clinically approved agent that provides complete 5-day protection against sweating and the unpleasant odor that accompanies it, provides complete protection, a pleasant sensation and, therefore, Self-confidence. Spray is a powerful and effective agent that helps people with severe hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and at the same time is mild enough for normal use in other populations. It is ideal for application in major events such as weddings, parties, business meetings, public appearances and stressful situations.

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Perspi Guard photo: Promo

Perspi-Guard® is designed for women and men of all ages for use under the armpits, palms, feet and chest / back. At the beginning of treatment, it is recommended to use five nights in a row for better efficiency. It is used for up to three times a week to prevent perspiration and unpleasant odors. It is applied only before sleeping on dry, clean skin. Shake 2-3 times at the desired part of the body and wait until it dries. The next morning, it is desirable to rinse the treated part of the body. The use of daily deodorants is allowed. It should be noted that Perspi-Guard® Spray is not a daily deodorant but a medical antiperspirant against excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis).

Perspi Guard photo: Promo

The product has been fully tested in the laboratory, passed all forms of dermatological control in the form of allergies, skin reactions to the agent applied with additional tests for effective performance.

Its price is 2370 rsd, HERE you can immediately order it, or calling 011 / 4420-502 on working days.

Brighter products, at affordable prices, can be found HERE.

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