RED, SLUT TO WORK: Nina and Mladen have DRAWN fans! Is he in the way of gifts? (PHOTO) | stars


  RED, SLUTI NA RADOST: Nina and Mladen ODUŠEVILI fanove! Is he in the way of gifts? (PHOTO)

Photo: Printscreen Instagram

Nina Prlja and Mladen Vuletic are a couple who watch the media seven days a week. Occasions, novels, quarrels, cross all the time, and with their companions on social networks, every step.

Their marriage is crowned in the villa, the "Couples", so we were all witnesses before and after this romantic act: the burden of discussion, they said, but also the love that they showed themselves unconditionally.

Namely, Nina Prlja and Mladen Vuletic leave no one indifferent, which when they appear separately, they come together, are the main price for the media.

They predicted their end, that after the riots, the "Couples" would break the relationship, divorce, speculate all about the bad guys, proving otherwise, every day they would post pictures on social networks as they like in love.

A fabulous brunette posted on her profile a picture of the suit she was wearing, most likely to record a show. In the same picture we can see that they match with taste, and they dress similar clothes and the same color and red.

Do you feel happy or say something else, it remains to be seen. Photo: Printscreen Instagram


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