REFERENDUM IN MACEDONIA: The name of the group on September 30 – without opposition? | Region


million. Stancic |

July 30, 2018 18:11> 19:36 |

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Representatives of the Macedonian-Albanian bloc in power in Sobranie voted a referendum to accept a change of name



A parliamentary majority Monday at The Macedonian Assembly, On September 30, a referendum on NATO and EU membership is expected by agreeing a bilateral agreement with Greece on the name change of the Republic North Macedonia and a strategic partnership with the South.

Read more: Ivanov holds a veto, Zaev announces a referendum

The members of the Macedonian-Albanian bloc in power in Sobranie voted in favor of a referendum on the following question: "Are you member of the EU and NATO? the name between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece. "

Before the vote in parliament, the opposition of the conservative opposition no VMRO-DPMNE left the meeting room, as his deputy, Nikola Micevski, presented the opinion of a party that the referendum question is inaccurate, multifarious and manipulative to the public. According to him, a consultative referendum opens the possibility of interpreting the result of the public opinion as he wishes.

Facsimile of the text of the referendum decision

Previously, the members of the National Electoral Commission (DIK), who will organize and direct the referendum, made solemn declarations to the Speaker Talat Dzhaferi

Prime Minister in Skopje and Leader of the Social Democrats in Power SDSM) Zoran Zaev called on the opposition to join the process before the vote in parliament on Monday and called on citizens to go to the referendum.

– I know the (referendum) question is what we announced – are you a member? The EU and NATO support the agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece "and I know that the referendum will be advisory," said Zaev, adding that it is only 39, was a "historic decision defining the future of the state". () {
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