– I am very excited that another Hollywood production is about to start filming in Serbia. Such projects are very important for the promotion of our country. We will continue to work to make Serbia a favorite destination for big cinemas, such as "Paramaunt pikecers", said Vučić, recalling that more than 50 international film projects have been shot in Serbia in recent years.
Kajl Skot, US ambassador to Serbia, visited the movie "Crawl" with Vučić, and Kreg Flores, producer of "Paramaunt Pikeras", thanked the Serbian president for the hospitality, l & # 39; help and support that he brought to him.
– We are very satisfied with the working conditions. The quality of the film team is at a high level, as well as cooperation with the institutions involved in the registration process – Flores added.
The director of the movie "Crawl" is Alexander Aja, and the main female and male roles are Kaji Skodelario ("The Pirates of the Caribbean") and Bernie Peper ("Rescue the Ranks of Rajan").
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