The portal recalls that Hilari, and after the defeat in the elections of 2016, is actively conducting his election campaign.
A campaign that supports Clinton's "I With Her" continues almost everywhere in the world. On the other hand, the message remains the same: "Tramp is racist and sexist", and his supporters are well worth it.
In addition, Clinton never stopped repeating that he had received the votes of the people, but lost his "place in history" because of the votes of the people. American electorate.
The author of the article estimates that Hillary Clinton has every chance of winning in the Democratic Party after receiving 25% of the vote, while the remaining ten candidates will receive 5 to 10 % voices.
In addition, Democrats are already working hard to get people from miserable states to vote in favor of their party.
Hilari Clinton is likely to become the only candidate whose campaign will attract large sums of money and can count on the broad support of the American media. In addition, the media casually repeat stories of Russian interference in the 2016 elections and important jobs that Ms. Clinton is working for all women.
Also, as in 2016, Hillary Clinton can get support from Democratic Party Democratic Party in exchange for funding.
The portal recalls that Clinton will be 73 years old in the elections in 2020, which will be his last chance, because the Democrats will most likely reject his candidacy in 2024 because she will be 77 years old at the time.
The author of the article notes that the possible growth of the economy has led to the popularity of Trampa, which would ensure victory in the upcoming elections, where Hilary Clinton could become "the meat in canned ".
In this case, the Democratic Party would still have four years to attract new supporters in the 2024 elections with the new candidate.
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