Research: Lower Blood Pressure Helps Mental Health


Reduce blood pressure more than is generally recommended not only to prevent heart problems, but also to reduce the risk of mental weakness that often leads to Alchajmer's disease, the conclusion of extensive research of Today,

as a clear step helps prevent this severe disease.In the study, people whose upper pressure was 120 instead of 140 had 19 percent less chance of developing mild cognitive impairment

Experts welcome the news

"We have known for a long time that high pressure is bad for the heart, and now we know that it is bad for the brain and the brain. , Said Director of Science Initiatives at the Alzheimer's Association Džejms Hendriks.

About 50 million people worldwide have dementia, and Alchajmer's disease is the most common type. [19659003] Research carried out on more than 9,300 people at high pressure

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