Revolutionary discovery of Russian scientists – Sputnik Serbia



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Experts of the National University of Nuclear Research "MIFI" with colleagues from France and England for the first time, shared the experience in the search for resonance plasma – a phenomenon related to the pronounced absorption of light in the layers of plasmid materials created artificially (metamaterials) based on metal nanostructures.These research mark revolutionary breakthroughs and advances in various fields, ranging from early diagnosis According to the mentor of the Institute of Physical Engineering of Biomedicine, professor of the National University of Nuclear Research "MIFI" and the University "Eksa-Masela", Andrej Kabashin, published in the most prestigious and renowned journal in the field of chemistry, "Chemical Controls" is the first Ed complete overhaul devoted to ultra narrow plasma resonances. The authors reviewed the latest scientific articles on given areas and examples of advanced application of these resonances in biosensors, the production of solar collector panels, optoelectronics, the preservation of databases and telecommunications. structure Plazmonika, as a new field of research, has made impressive progress in recent years and promises significant new development opportunities in the field of nano-optical, nanophotonic and metamaterial research, "says Andrej Kabashin

. 2 nanometers) occur in the illumination of metamaterials based on gold nanoparticles (under conditions of electromagnetic interactions diffracted-conditioned between localized oscillations of free electrons in nanoparticles.)

"Chemistry reviews" detail the research achievements of the field of creating unique phenomena in the phase of the rejected light wave resulting from such resonances.

"Such phenomena are very promising for solving problems in the field of optical biosensors in relation to the detection of critical biological analytes, According to Andrej Kabashin

this direction of research is, according to scientists, One of the most promising in the field of biosensors.Because it is used as a signal parameter, the phase characteristic promises revolutionary breakthroughs, not only in the field of early diagnosis of serious diseases, but also in the ultra-sensitive anti-doping control, as well as in the quality of the food and the environment, safeguarding the database

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