Roena is like a deak, and now it's Miss Party – Destiny – Super ena


His goal is to be a spokesperson for inclusion, revelation and the pursuit of diversity, not just for the LGBTQ community, even for the whole world, said a new flesh of the pana

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Super ena

  Photo Thinkstock / Bluberries

Photo Thinkstock / Bluberries

Five years ago, in Panja, the ban on transgender people was forbidden in the choice of beauty, and now Miss of that country became a woman born as a muco. Anela Ponc (26) is also the first transgender person to compete for the Miss World, and is especially reluctant to accept differences.

– My goal is to be a spokesperson for the inclusion, recognition and pursuit of diversity. Anela: this is not the first choice of a lepto, she was born in Seville, and she was sometimes representative of the province of Cadiz in the election of Miss Pana, pie [19659009]] (function () {
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