RTS :: Death of Peter Lord Carrington


Lord Peter Carrington was the last living member of Vinston Churchill's post-war government (1951-1955).

The Minister of Defense was from 1970 to 1974, the Chief of Diplomacy from 1979 to 1982 and the Secretary General of NATO. from 1984 to 1988.

Carrington was Minister of Foreign Affairs during the Falklands War. He took full responsibility for the omissions made and resigned.

He chaired the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia, convened by the European Community in 1991.

Lord Carrington, with Jose Cutler, proposed in 1992 a plan to deal with the crisis and prevent war in Bosnia and Herzegovina which provided for the creation of three national constituent units, with 44% of the territory belonging to Serbs and Bosniacs, while Croats will have the remaining 12%.

The leaders of the three parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Radovan Karadzic, Alija Izetbegovic and Mate Boban signed the document on March 18, 1992, but Izetbegovic withdrew his signature ten days later, after meeting with the ambassador American Warren Cimerman

He resigned before the London Conference in August 1992 after a year of attempts to stop and stop. the war.

Lord Carrington severely criticized Western movements during the resolution of the Kosovo crisis

"I believe that NATO's bombing of Serbia triggered the exodus of Kosovo Albanians to Macedonia and Serbia. in Montenegro Lord Carrington Gardian said in 1999

"I do not support Serbia because I think that they acted badly and very stupid when they were abolished. the autonomy of Kosovo, which remained with Tito, "said Lord Charrington, strongly criticizing the European Union for the way he tried to resolve the crisis in the former Yugoslavia, declaring that She had made "stupid stupid mistakes."

Speaking of Slobodan Milosevic, Lord Carrington said that he "does not think he is more a war criminal than Croatian President Tudjman who expelled 200,000 Serbs of the Krajina ", but also" that no one was excited about it ".

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