RTS :: Director Bro: "Mole" is the allegory of Europe


Film History Mole takes place in a dangerous working environment under Copenhagen, a city generally considered an idyllic space for many who seek a better life in Europe and elsewhere.

When a fire broke out in the tunnels of the future metro, she was trapped in a room intended for two people, with Croat Ivo and Bharan from Eritrea. This cramped space is the only safe place where the fire burns.

Bro says that he grew up on fantasy movies, which David Kronenberg was a great hero, but also about the animation of Eastern Europe, especially the Polish and Poles.

The mole genre film – previously recorded several short films, and that "the genre found it."

"The construction of a large subway infrastructure is underway and I wanted to explore this little world.And underground, I found a piece that inspired me a movie. horror, "says the director.

Fear, he says, is present among the main heroes, but what happens in the mind of the actor is coexistence. European allegory, in general, this impression of shrinking space and how people react to the narrowing of space, "said the director, including the short film Barvalo won the "Silver Egg" at the festival "Kustendorf". 19659002] He points out that he is not a politician and that he focuses on specific people.

"My Europe is in Copenhagen and my first thought, when they started to build a metro, was to arrive more quickly at the airport. My perspective of Europe is based on the I can go wherever I want. "Kristin Sonderis, Samson Semera Rus and Krešimir Mikić play in the film.

Bro said that he was looking for someone to play a real representative of the European working class "We worked together, we visited the right yard, we were in a country where Italian workers mostly worked, and we saw similarities between Italian and Croatian workers. It was a pleasure to work with him, "said the Danish director. [ad_2]
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