Russia and China push back ban on oil exports in North Korea


Russia and China have postponed US efforts to suspend the export of processed oil to North Korea to the UN Security Council,


L & P Agency, referring to anonymous diplomats and China asked for more details regarding US accusations that Pyongyang violated the restrictions.

The Russian mission to the United Nations reportedly ordered the 15 members of the committee "to study this request carefully and to request additional information on each case of" illegal "transfer." N recalled that the United States had asked the UN Security Council Committee last week to oversee sanctions against North Korea to send a letter to member states and the public, stating that North Korea had exceeded its quota.

The United States also asked the committee to prevent the transfer of petroleum products from one ship to the other.

The remaining 14 members had time to do so today. according to the local time, to resist.

diplomats, who asked to remain anonymous, Russia "put on hold" the request of the United States.

One of the diplomats has said that Moscow was still waiting six months, and China has supported this report.

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