Russians have discovered a new type of agent – Cancer Treat Health


Online News |

July 25, 2018 18:41 |


Scientists from the National University of Nuclear Research "MIFI" have developed a new type of contrast magnetic resonance tomography (MRT)

Scientists from the National University of Research Nuclear "MIFI" have developed a new type of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) -based biodegradable silicon nanoparticles that can be used simultaneously for the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases

The results of the study have was published in the Journal of Applied Physics

MRT is a powerful method of biomedical diagnosis in which Normally a nuclear magnetic resonance of hydrogen atoms (protons) is used. During the work of the tomograph, a magnetic field is created that "cuts" the protons of the hydrogen atoms into the magnetic field during the impact of radio waves

Some studies require the use of 39 contrast agents to increase the accuracy and informativeness of the image. The contrast signal MRT largely depends on the degree of change of the longitudinal or transverse relaxation time.

The relaxation time is the moment when the protons return to the stationary state. According to the molecules and atoms in the environment protons, which is different in healthy and diseased tissues.

In specific cases, the pathology can be identified by contrast agents that locally modify the relaxation times of the diseased tissue. The combination of MRT and contrast agents improves the ability to capture inflammation, such as tumor angiogenesis in oncology.

NINU MIFI scientists have developed a new type of contrast material based on silicon nanoparticles. According to the professor of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering Physics (IFIB) NINU MIFI and the Moscow State University "MV Lomonosov" Viktor Tymoshenko, this is an example of the development of nanotechnology – a Combination of diagnostic and therapeutic methods at the nanoscale


Teratostatic agents for MRT are considering a combination of contrast agents and therapies for the extraction of drugs from the nano capsule and / or additional impacts of physical fields or radiation

Materials for nanotechnology should be non-toxic and compatible with the human body. Another indispensable feature is "invisibility" of the immune system, otherwise they will simply be destroyed. In addition, the nanoparticles must not accumulate in the body and their surface is contaminated.

According to representatives of the Institute of Nanotechnology Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IFIB) NINU MIFI, the use of cellular silicon nanoparticles is one of the most promising. nanoparticle cancer method. These nanoparticles are not harmful to the body, however, they can, under the influence of radio waves, heat up to a temperature of about 42 oS and over (that's what?)? it is called hyperthermia), which ensures the local destruction of cancer cells [Sputnjik]

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