Same Mom: First Stern, so "no apology"


Sarajevo – Tuilatvo BiH and the defense of the former elite of Zagreb, Zdravko Mamia, agree that the legal conditions of his deportation to Croatia have not been met.

Source: Tanjug

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This was confirmed by the rite that was handed to the court in Sarajevo on this occasion, reports HINA.

The Roite on which facts on Mami's expulsion request from Croatia were found was unobtrusive because the judge found Mami's first achievement of the Croatian national team in Mundijal, Russia , reports HINA.

"I first tried to do it for you and for you," Judge Tatjana Kosovi Mami said.

The Croatian Ministry of Justice sent Mamiy's extradition request after his conviction in Sarajevo in June for a sixty-seven-year prison term, convicting him of abuse. economic activity and "withdrawal" of Dinamo money.

Mom announced the arrest warrant before issuing the verdict, according to HINA.

Gordana Bosilji, Tuilastva BH prosecutor, told him that the application had been processed properly and that it had been determined that Mami's deportation presumptions were not respected.

The problem is, as he has said, his Bosnian state, but also the fact that the wrongful act on which Mami was charged was on November 28, 2012, when Croatia and BiH have signed a contract under which Mami had the opportunity to extradite.

However, the contract does not apply retroactively and only applies to cases of criminal offenses committed after November 2012. Mami's lawyer, Hi Raji, was in agreement with this, saying that the refusal to expel is the only possible decision.

Mom thanked the jury for saying that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a legitimate citizen, unlike what is happening in Croatia. "I did not have a fair trial in Croatia, so I had to seek justice in my other tragedy," Mama said, reports HINA.

The Kosovo Judge is on the outcome of the Royal Court, which will take a formal and conclusive decision as to whether Mama can be extradited. Mami's lawyer told reporters that the deadline for making such a decision was not provided for by law, but that he would expect it to be fast because as he says, in this case everything is clear. fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "http: //connect.facebook (fbds.async = true; fbds.src = .net / en_US / fbds.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s. parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _ fbq.loaded = true}}) (); window._fbq = || window._fbq []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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