Serbia and America – 100 years of the Serbian holiday in the United States


On the occasion of the centenary of the Serbian holiday in the United States, an exhibition entitled "The Kingdom of Serbia and the United States" was inaugurated today, with important documents proving a link strong and deep between the two nations. With the original documents of the Archives of Serbia, photos, extracts from the US and Serbian press, the exhibition shows the relations between the two countries since the signing of the Consular Convention and the Trade Agreement in 1881, the friendship, cooperation and alliance between Serbia and the United States were built through various forms of diplomatic, commercial and cultural relations and through the achievement of historical goals during the First World War

. Among other things, presented the documents on the appointment of the first diplomatic representatives of the two countries, the telegram from Woodrow Wilson on the occasion of the Robert Lansing markings, Secretary of State at the US. occasion of the Serbian Day in the United States, and a letter of thanks from the president of Aleksandar Karađorđević to the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, for a precious help to the Serbian people

The mission of the Red Cross led by Dr. Edward Ryan was sent to Serbia shortly after the outbreak of the war, attested by the letter of Mihailo Pupin, Serbian Consul General to New York, sent to the Serbian Government 8. September 1914.

  exhibition , 100 years, Serbian day in America, friendship

Photo: Mondo / Goran Sivacki

In addition to the documents of the period 1881-1918, particularly interesting and one of the few documents cons ervés of the period prior to the establishment of diplomatic relations are also the letter of Louis Cepke, the consul of the United States in Bucharest from 1868, which the work of the American consulate during his absence is entrusted to the Serbian representative to Bucharest Kosti Magazinović


Photo: MONDO, Lana Stošić


quote from Wilson of the White House, dated June 13, 1918:

"Dear Lord of the Registry, will you be so good to deliver to those who will be gathered next Monday to celebrate the Serbian anniversary of Kosovo, my message and my cordial greetings and tell them that I sincerely appreciate this important and wonderful anniversary. The struggle of the Serbian people for the freedom and the right and the aspiration of all the other peoples of Slovenia to the recognition of their national individuality and their right to self-determination, as well as to an action free politics, attract more than ever the attention of the whole world. he perceives every day what becomes more and more clear to the statesmen of all nations: the future peace of the world depends on the consent of the people to judgment, their happiness and their future. In marking the Kosovo Day in the United States on June 28, 1918, an unequivocal understanding of the history of the Serbian people was demonstrated by recognizing its role in the defense of Christian Europe in 1389 before the conquest of the Serbian people.

Representatives of the Serbian Mission in the United States and the Yugoslav People's Council held a slow place at the United States Independence Day ceremony on July 4, 1918 and the Day of Independence Independence of the United States was celebrated by the Serbian government in Corfu. 19659020] The marking of the Serbian Day in the United States on July 28, 1918 was given to the Serbian people as a victim and "the greatest hero of the First World War"

  exhibition, 100 years old, the Serbian day in America, friendship

Photo: Mondo / Goran Sivacki

In the exhibition located in the Archives of Serbia, was opened by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, the answer Wilson's telegram to Nikolic Pasic, which was sent on the occasion of the cancellation of four years of war, was presented to Serbia. Here is what Wilson replied:

"His Excellency Nikolic Pasic, President of the Council of Ministers, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Corfu

The telegram you sent me on the 15th July (28) I am convinced that it will arouse the same warm reaction in the hearts of all residents of the United States and that we are aware of the depths of suffering suffered by Serbia, not only of our sympathy, but also of our friendship and our vigilant desire to help accompany your brave people through all the stages of the tragic flow of the present war and I am convinced that the satisfaction of Serbia is the first point of its justice program for all thoughtful patriots of the federal states. "

Tomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924) was the 28th president of the United States, and held that position from 1913 to 1921. [19659002] "WE WANT NEW TEXT AND PUPPIES"

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who opened the exhibition today in the Serbian Archives, stressed that Serbia should be able to To strive to improve relations with the United States. provides more than his interests. "

Vucic believed that relations between Serbia and the United States are multilayered and multidimensional.

" As a small nation, we must seek the best possible relations with this great force ", underlined the President

"I hope and believe that America will respect the sovereignty, independence and freedom of the Serbian people and the Serbian state," We appreciate the freedom , the strength and independence of the United States, "said Vucic, hoping that we will also respect each other and that the United States respects Serbia just as Serbia respects the United States

. peace, as well as having new Tesla and Pupinas with America.

Vucic also referred to a significant part of history compared to the two countries, Stiv Tesic recalled, who said that guilty knowledge is always less guilty than

"We like you to be guilty, it is easier to punish him in your case and hate him in our case. "From Lincoln, Ruzvelat, Kennedy, we learned an important lesson in responsibility, avoiding excuses. in a land of nasa that does not want to accuse America for all the misery nor expect anything more than what the United States can give. We expect the United States to understand that Serbia can not give more than its interests, "added Vucic The President stressed that we should not be declared as an enemy eternal, especially a country that was able to receive the best of us ", Tesla, to whom some would change the genre, Pupin and others."

"This exchange of the best is the basic recipe for relations between the United States and Serbia. Our young scientists are here, their investors here. Politics, in all of this, is often a surplus, unless she is aware that not all sizes are able to sin, but that she can correct it, "said Vucic

"A long-time friend" and stressed that the documents presented at the exhibition testify to the great respect and admiration that Americans have for the Serbian people. "My compatriots have recognized the Serbs love for their freedom and independence, their heroic mess during the First World War. 19659040] exhibition, 100 years, Serbian day in America, friendship ” />

Photo: Mondo / Goran Sivack

He said that America in the United States fully supports the priorities of Serbia, its efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region, the common need for justice and dignity, incitement to reforms and European integration, in order to feel the rule of law and human beings [19659025HerecalledthatUSPresidentWoodrowWilsonorderedtheSerbianflagofJuly281918beatingtheWhiteHouseontheoccasionoftheSerbianholidaywhichwasthefirsttimetheflagofsomethankstotheclosefriendshipbetweenWilsonandPuppinstheAmericanpresidentunderstoodwhattheSerbianpeoplewerefacingduringthedifficultyearsofthewarandwantedtopaytributetothemandtheircommitmenttothestruggleforfreedomandindependence

  ] exhibition, 100 years old, day of Serbian in America, friendship

Photo: Mondo / Goran Sivacki

Scott pointed out that Mihailo Pupin contributed to such a relationship, but that it was not the only one ,

The Director of the Serbian Archives, Miroslav Perisic, today said that this institution is a guardian of memory, an heir to identity, a source of knowledge, who keeps evidence. He gave Vucic a copy of the letter and the notification of US Consul General Louis Cepkey in Bucharest, 1868, in which he, in his absence, entrusted the affairs of the United States Consulate C & # 39; Serbian ambassador to Bucharest, Kosti Magazinovic

said Perisic at the inauguration of the exhibition "Kingdom of Serbia and the United States", 13 years before the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the United States.

Perišić also presented a copy of the order of Prince Milan Obrenović to the United States Ambassador, who he appointed the First Honorary Consul of the Principality of Serbia in New York in 1879, the dancer of Gerhart Jansen

a copy of the letter of the consul general in New York of Mihailo Pupin of September 1914, informing the Serbian government that the American Red Cross Mission was sent from Serbia to the United States

In addition to President Vucic, the participants included Ministers Nebojsa Stefanovic, Nela Kuburovic, Vladan Vukosavljevic, Jadranka Joksimovic, Zoran Djordjevic, Nenad Popovic, Belgrade Mayor Zoran Radojicic, Deputy Mayor Goran. Vesić, President of the City Assembly Nikola Nikodijevic and Secretary General of Serbian President Nikola Selakovic …

The exhibition was organized by the Archives in cooperation with the US Embassy in Serbia, and the authors are Jelica Reljić and Ljubinka Škodrić

in August, from Tuesday to Sunday from 10h to 18h, with free admission.


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