Serbia is a central country in the Chinese "Belt and Road" initiative


Prime Ministers discussed improving cooperation and strategic partnership between the two countries and noted that it was in the interest of both countries to deepen cooperation in all areas. Prime Minister Ana Brnabić will visit Bulgaria today for a two – day visit. China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and in the delegation are the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlović and the Minister of Mines and Energy Aleksandar Antić

and relations between the two countries are outstanding and characterized by an overall strategic partnership, mutual trust and support.

Brnabić said that the meeting was very good, short and efficient, precisely because both countries have very concrete projects. I was able to see the Chinese Prime Minister for the first time in November 2017. We had a good, short and efficient meeting, because Serbia and China have a lot of concrete projects. We have just gone through these projects, like him She said that it was mainly infrastructure projects, in order to continue construction of the section of Corridor 11 from Preljina to Požega, has t she declared

. for the reconstruction and modernization of the Belgrade-Budapest Railway, as well as the modernization of the railway between Belgrade and Niš and Presevo, for which a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed

Brnabić stresses that Serbia is particularly proud of the trilateral modernization project for the Belgrade-Bud railway line. carried out jointly by Serbia, Hungary and China, which is the first cross-border project of this cooperation mechanism.

There are also projects in the field of energy such as the construction of a new block of 350 megawatts of Kostolac. "I would like to thank for the support, since since we abolished visas for the citizens of China, we have a 180% jump in the number of Chinese tourists to Serbia," she said. Prime Minister Brnabic.

Brnabic said d and he was also told about the cultural cooperation and the completion of the Serbian Cultural Center in Beijing and the completion of the Chinese Cultural Center in Belgrade is expected

Interest for RTB "Bor" and "Ikarbus"

About RTB "Bor", Brnabic said that the Chinese company "Zijin" has expressed interest in participating in the call. offers for the selection of a strategic partner for RTB Bor. "We hope that this will be completed by the end of the year and they give a good deal.I have conveyed hope to the Chinese Premier that this company will participate in a good deal. because we need a good strategic partner and a solid company, "said Prime Minister

. As she said, the Chinese premier expressed satisfaction with relations between China and Serbia and stressed that Serbia is the central country in the "Belt and Road" initiative

. he expressed his satisfaction that both countries have a large number of concrete projects.

Brnabić said that Serbia would continue the continuity of the friendship policy.

The prime minister stressed that she personally sent a letter of interest for membership. Steel Friendship between China and Serbia

The Prime Minister thanked the Chinese Prime Minister for the unequivocal support of China in Kosovo and Metohija, especially in the United States. UN and other international organizations. Prime Minister Keçang stressed that this support is constant and indisputable and that the friendship between China and Serbia is steel.

Brnabić said that this could be the first 17 plus 1 forum, since Greece is involved in the mechanism for the first time. it is good that there are new participants as it is an opportunity to talk about this infrastructure and energy connections in the area.

It is expected that the Memorandum of Understanding will be signed on the joint formulation of the bilateral cooperation plan between China and Serbia. and the way, Memorandum the trade agreement on the modernization and reconstruction of the Hungarian-Serbian railway link on the territory of the Republic of Serbia on the section Novi Sad – Subotica – the state border (Kelebija

Brnabićeva sa The Prime Minister of Serbia also spoke with the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Belarusian Government Vasili Matouchsky on improving cooperation between the two countries, and the interlocutors concluded that the relations between the two countries are friendly

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlovic, also participated in the meeting

: "Serbia is extremely grateful for the firm support It believes that Serbia and Belarus have an interest in strengthening the co-operation and the sovereignty of the country. in many areas, and especially in the economy.

In 2017, the foreign trade volume of the two countries was $ 103.5 million, an increase of 30.2% over 2016, while in the first five years In the month of 2018, the volume of foreign trade increased by 5.5 percent over the same period last year and stood at $ 43.8 million, indicating that foreign trade continues to grow .

Cooperation in the field of agriculture, science and education was discussed

Matushevsky agreed that cooperation between China and 16 countries of Central and Eastern Europe is an important mechanism for cooperation which will strengthen and accelerate the general economic development of all participating countries,

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