Serbian Discovery Donald Trump – World


The world still does not know what has happened to it, but it is difficult to find a country – certainly including the United States itself – which can to say the reliability that there are positive expectations in relation to Tramp's mandate. The tramway in Europe, regardless of contradictory messages sent to bilateral fora, and especially in multilateral fora, undoubtedly supports nationalist or, as usual, populist movements. Tramp in the main European countries wants to see other people in power.

They have been known since the Tramp's 2015/16 pre-election campaign, and even earlier, its relationship with these movements: with the "United Kingdom Party of Independence", the French "National Front, with the party of Gert Wilson, the "Freedom Party of Austria" … With Victor Orban and his former adviser, Sebastian Gorka, the "Guardian of Hungary", who will spend some time at the "White House" as deputy to the 45th President American

Tramp's admiration for "firm" state men, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Shi Jinping, is no doubt, despite the problems between states United States and the two countries

Fukuyama, author of the famous book "End of History and Last Man", is a transient phenomenon or a novel of a new era.He did not want to predict, but said that Tramp has every chance of being re-elected in 2020 because the economy has American is doing well, no matter how the US economy is going, Tramp is not a passing phenomenon. He, like a man, will leave power sooner or later, but neither he nor his ideas come from nowhere. These are not new ideas either.

America is Tramp

What are Serbia's expectations of Donald Trump and what can Serbia expect from him, despite the fact that the United States is often heard, most often in Europe. It is true that America is not just Tramp or another president, but the head of state is the United States abroad and is the main decision maker of the decisions of foreign politic. When there is also congressional support, as it is, at least for the moment, the case with Tramp, the importance of the president is remarkable.

The Serbian tram was greeted with high hopes, or he watched in public. These hopes are encouraged by the media, experts of different caliber, but also by officials. It is natural that Tramp be a fighter against the establishment, like the one who promised to "sweep the swamp" in Washington, and who tries elsewhere, to find sympathy in Serbia, a land where the respect of those who "Fear the gentlemen" is respected. Apart from the fact that Tramp belongs to the "gentleman", but not the Washington and the Party. It is natural and what has come and gone to disappointment, real or frustrated because of unfulfilled hopes.


Interesting coincidence – Americans and Serbs, or a significant portion of them, found themselves on Tramp's page similar reasons. Both of them resisted the steady flow of American politics. The Americans could express such a mood by voting, and the Serbs encouraged the Tramp. The Americans, Tramp voters, wanted to punish the elite who became too far away from them and saw the cause of their standard of living deteriorating. In Tramp's rival, Hilary Clinton, besides Bil's wife, also saw the untouchable establishment that continues to trouble and understand their country.

The similarities, however, end elsewhere. Most US citizens, however, voted for "disgraceful Hilary", as Tramp still does not label it today. In Serbia, perhaps, she could not muster enough signatures to be a candidate, as she is the wife of William, one of the least known and least important presidents of the United States of his history [19659007]. The victory of Tramp, and some celebrated. Do not forget who was the first to support the Tram: Vojislav Seselj and his party are still anti-American. The image of Seselj and his colleagues in T-shirt t-shirts is unforgettable. But hopes have passed, unlike anti-Americanism. During the election campaign, a foreign policy that does not receive much attention in our media has been revealed, especially in the tabloids, precisely because of the US elections. The tabloids encouraged Trump by offering a black and white image – him as president who will favor the Serbs and Hillary Clinton, as our arch-hosts. One of the tabloid billboards celebrated the victory of Tramp

Unclear boundaries between tabloid and political

In Serbia, however, there is a constant problem of delimitation between tabloid and official politics, d & # 39; as much as all the tabloids are pro-government. This is evident in the current relations between Serbia and the United States. Another unforgettable image was recorded at the session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2017, when Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić contacted President Tramp and showed him photocopies of the cover pages of the Serbian tabloids. as proof that the Serbs were encouraging him in the elections. . Dačić was seduced by the charming smile of Nicky Haley, US ambassador to the UN, whose public appearances are generally not charming, but he does not know that he has managed anything Tramp

Dačić and Aleksandar Vučić "When it comes to Western countries, so it seems that Vucic focuses mainly on the EU, especially in Germany, and Dacic in America.If this n & # 39; Dacic, in any case, on the relations between Serbia and the United States, deserves an assessment: "it emerges."

The Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs has been trying to get closer to him since the beginning of Tramp's mandate, knowledge of Serbia, and then Serbian interests, which are almost 100% related to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. "Dačić, this kind of impression of his performance, believes that Serbia should one way or another to address these "real" representatives of the US administration – since they may assume a better understanding – and at the same time bypass the staff of previous administrations. This was best seen last year at a time of general consistency due to the statement on the "two chairs" of former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Brian Hoyt Jia, that Serbia can not sit both Western and Russian. Then in the same tabloids whose cover page Dacic showed Tramp titles who suggested that Tramp wanted to destroy Serbia. Dacic was more rational and he began to point out, for example, that we would not be Hoyt Jia, but Tramp and Tilerson, the then Secretary of State

Then, to reach the right people In Washington that would understand us, Dacic began to insist that Serbia allocate money to lobbyists who will open the doors of the White House. All this because of Kosovo and after all that has happened with Kosovo since the predecessor of Dacic led by the SPS, for example, refused to talk with the US Ambassador Warren Zimmerman

We "dumb" at this solemn moment – the centenary of the flag-setting of the Kingdom of Serbia at the White House and other US public buildings is a beautiful jubilee – but it seems that on the side of official Serbia and at this opportunity, a "true" America, includes. And a "real" president, like Woodrow Wilson, who recently got his street in Belgrade, joining Kennedy, F. D. Ruzveltu …

Symbols, traditions and anniversaries have a limited role in politics. They are not meaningless, but the old story has little effect on the present, if at all. A little can be an incentive. Even today, as 100 years ago, one can hear that Serbia and the United States are allies. They are. The Serbian flag does not flaunt at the White House, but it is elsewhere: for example, in joint exercises of the American and Serbian armies and in international missions in which Serbian officers participate with the American [19659005] Serbian waiting for Tramp. to full expression is similar to the expectation of many in the EU, who are with the President of the United States in a growing conflict, that Tramp is gone. Both types of waiting are illusory. The good news is that we are waiting for health, because Serbia accepts the Trampa as an expression of the will of its voters. The choice of the tramp at least diminished the omnipresent anti-Americanism in Serbia

. But the existence of those of the American administration, extremely simplified, can be described as "surviving structures". They can, over time, get closer, although in the case of relations with Serbia, we can not speak of discontinuity in US foreign policy.

Tramp and Putin have not spoken recently about Serbia in Helsinki, our media reported. And that's good news.

Author is a publisher of Danas

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