Seven unusual reasons why we have a headache


According to the World Health Organization, the headache affects all people in the world and we present seven unusual causes.

Obesity is usually associated with headaches, according to a study by John Hopkins University.

The results of the study showed that the higher the body mass index, the more casual headaches become chronic. Physical activity and weight loss can help reduce the frequency of pain or disappear completely.

Research conducted by the University of Eastern Finland has shown that vitamin D and sun deficiencies increase the risk of chronic headaches. Scientists studied the level of this vitamin in 2,600 people, and those who were the youngest were more prone to chronic headaches than others. In addition, they are more often registered in those of a sex stronger than during the summer months.

Those who suffer from headaches avoid much light and spend more time in dark rooms. The Beth Israel Health Center has discovered a link between ocular and brain neurons that control physical parameters such as heart rate, shortness of breath, fatigue, and nausea.

Research has shown that in addition to being sick with headaches, these people were nervous, angry, and anxious about it.

Scientists at the University of Cincinnati have attempted to use mathematical methods to determine if light causes many headaches or it's only a part of the conditions weather that causes pain. The results showed that there is a 19% chance of a headache during thunder, which means that it has a unique impact on people and their sensitivity to headaches.

At the National Center of National Defense in Taiwan, 588 people with headaches participated in a study that showed that, in most cases, anxiety, depression, and sleep deprivation were the main causes of headaches.

Many factors, such as emotional agitation and frequent headaches, can influence each other by common psychopathological mechanisms. For example, emotional responses have the potential to alter the perception of pain and modify it through certain signaling pathways.

Taking high doses of drugs containing codeine can cause severe headaches, according to a study from the University of Adelaide. This is a common problem in people who are sensitive to pain. In the long run, the impact of these drugs will soon worsen the problem with a headache rather than help it.

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