SKANDAL: Natasha Bekvalac threatened another Luke Lazukić, reacted by the police? | Scene


Online News |

July 25, 2018 22:34 |

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She was at that moment in a car parked near the Social Work Center where Luka saw their daughter today

The singer Natasa Becqualac brought her daughter Katja to the Center for social work today video father, Luka Lazukić. Lazukić arrived ten minutes before Nataša on the engine to wait for them. An IT expert has the right to see his daughter every Wednesday for half an hour.

How to know, Natasha Lukin was verbally threatened by another while she was waiting in the car in front of the Social Work Center

READ MORE: URGENT DETAILS: Luka coached Natasha Bekvalac in the company. apartment and struck a cesarean

– Nataša Bekvalac and her lawyer reported to the police station that another Luka Lazukić had approached her during the day from 13h to 13h30 and threatened her verbally. According to the singer, she was at that moment in a parked car, at the corner of Kamenicka and Lomina Streets at the Green Venus in the center of Belgrade – told our informed source and adds:

– So Lazukić's drug, se – Citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina ZI and verbally threatened. The police reacted on demand and in accordance with the law with Z. I was interrogated during the evening and he was warned. The case was informed by the competent prosecutor's office – our source said.


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