SMALL PEOPLE BENEFIT FROM GOOD BENEFITS FOR HEALTH! Their size protects them from life-threatening diseases Lifestyle


  Tom Kruz is one of the lower actors
Tom Kruz is one of the lower actors photo: Fonetap

People live longer, show more scientific and scientists believe that the idyllic height is 166 to 168 centimeters, and for women from 159 to 162 centimeters

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The American National Cancer Institute states that more people, regardless of sex, have a higher risk of cancer than low-level people.

Each additional height of ten centimeters increases the risk of cancer by 18% for women and 11% for men.

A large-scale research has shown that the cancer risk for women over 175 centimeters has increased by 37 percent compared to women younger than 155 inches.

Researchers at the University of Hawaii, after observing 8,000 Americans from Japan for more than 50 years, found that the longest people lived within 156 inches

The Albert Einstein Institute of Anxiety Studies conducted a survey of 1,000 people over 95 years old. The results show that most are not high and that a few hundred people have experienced extremely low growth.

Research at Tromo University in Norway has shown that high blood flow rates are low in women, which increases the risk of stroke.

If a woman is less than 157 centimeters tall and has a normal body weight, she is three times more likely to have blood clots.

In the case of inferior persons, the distance between the heart and the other organs is relatively small, thus facilitating the circulation of blood and nutrients, thus reducing the risk of disease.

US scientists believe that there is an ideal size: for men, it is 165 to 168 centimeters, and for women 159 to 162 centimeters.

Research shows that animals need more energy, oxygen and oxygen, which is an additional burden for all organs.

Further down in everyday life consumes less energy and requires fewer nutrients, scientific portals cite.



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