Small podiatric epidemic in Brazil


The small pediatric epidemic is spreading in Brazil after an infected person has entered the Venetian hospital where health has collapsed is transmitted by the PA.

Source: Tanjug

  Photo: GettyImages

Photo: GettyImages

For the moment, 460 smallpox cases have been reported in areas of Brazil on the border with Venezuela, announced today. the Ministry of Health.

It is feared that small pediatricians have been infected by an isolated tribe living in the Amazon and that there is no developed immunity against this disease, according to AP.

The World Health Organization proclaimed that the entire American continent was "free" of small puppies, but outbreaks can occur in case of infection introduced into the soil.

AP says that's the case in Brazil because an infected person, coming out of the crisis in Venezuela, has moved to Brazil.

The small claws began to expand in Venice last year and so far there are about 2,000 cases reported by the agency.

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