
That's about popular movies or sex stereotypes most people think that girls outnumber boys. 19659005] However, the new study shows differently – that boys keep the close friendship in the group.
The researchers say that social behavior analysis is also important for infectious diseases and vaccinations. They found that it's more likely that guys will spend time with six same friends over a six-month period.
The friendships of girls, however, are variable.
The study, published Wednesday in the Plos van Science Journal, Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in collaboration with the University of Cambridge.
Scientists have used complex mathematical models to discover how diseases spread among social groups. The results could one day show how to control infectious diseases.
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Researchers Interviewed 460 Students in Four High Schools in the United Kingdom to Name Six Children with whom they spend most of their time, between January and June 2015.
The lead author of the study, Dr. Adam Kucharski, said: "Boys hang out more in a group than A girl. This can ruin gender stereotypes. But this information is very useful to us. "
" Understanding the social mix mode at this age is essential for studying infectious diseases such as swine flu and smallpox, which spread rapidly, especially among children. The results will be relevant for the decision to introduce new vaccines. "

Another author of the study, Dr. Kler Veham, now an assistant professor of Global La Health policy at the London School of Economics said: "Children are a very important part of the spread of the disease."
"Previous studies just considered how many children mix in one day, we wanted to see this study in time
" It would also be a good idea to extend the study for a longer period of time. long, to see how friendships change over the years. "
Dr. Terry Apter, psychologist and former Cambridge mentor, who wrote about teens and friends, said," Boys' friendships are more stable. "
"Girls think that they should be close to those who are not friends, have a replacement for the best friend they? Re getting married. That's why they change friends more. "
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