Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic REJECTS her plans for her collection


The greatest Balkan folk star, Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic recently gave a concert in Montenegro at a famous club that was small to welcome all interested people who wanted to enjoy her music. the end of the concert, Ceca stood in front of the camera of the "Premiere" and shared her impressions, and she could not get around and talk about her daughter Anastasia who gathered all the public sympathy break records in Jutjub. Ceca sincerely spoke about the seriousness of Anastasia because her daughter is, but she thinks something has changed

– This is not the name of Ražnatović, it is more Ceca Raznatović because that she will compare her to her mother. But I do not think that she will do it anymore because she has shown that she has her own identity, expresses herself vocally and visually, has a completely different direction, and it is natural that she She reminds me of it in certain segments because I am her mother. You must have a personal identity, because every perfect copy is weaker than the original – Ceca is honest.

The singer revealed and what plans Anastasia has for her career:

– She is now looking for a song, since this summer, a jolt, a joyous song. Look for a song in which she will be able to show all her vocal qualities – revealed by Ceca. First Antonio Ahel / ATA / Instagram Images

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