Syria – Attack of EI Portal Mondo


"The toll of today's attacks is 221 victims, including 127 civilians, killed by most of Sueida where corpses were found in the houses." said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the opposition. This is one of the first attacks of its kind, such as suicide bombings or attacks on villages that the Islamic State has been conducting for several months in Syria, where many defeats have taken place.

The province of Sueida is under government control in Damascus, but jihadists are present In the desert areas of Severoistok province

According to official media reports, the army has launched a counter-attack, while Syrian opposition says planes bomb jihadist positions

Source: Youtube / Sputnjik

"Four suicides activated an explosive in the city of Sueida" said the director of Rami Abdel Rahman Observatory

The attacks were executed at the same time as the attacks in the city of Sueida of the same name, Asošiejted pres.

Source: Youtube / EX ALDEBARAN314

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