Ten billion tons of ice crashed into the sea (VIDEO)


In the video, you can see what happened to the Helheim Glacier in Greenland in just 30 minutes



In June, a gigantic gigantic ice sand of 6 miles from long and 10 billion tons in Greenland and fell in the oceans, writes "Dejli mejl".

Size of the LEDs It was time to do half an hour, the first pieces of ice began to crack, then a thicker part that rose above the surface of the sea and fell into the water. # 39; water. So, 10 billion tons of ice in the water have come to an end.

Although this sounds scary, it should not be forgotten that this represents only about three percent of the total amount that Greenland loses each year.

One can see in a video recorded by Denis Holand, from the Sea Level Change Observation Center, the power of what looks like an "ice cream" that one can feel far away from.


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