Thailand: A former navy was killed trying to provide oxygen to captured boys


  BBC in Serbian - B92

Saman Gunan, a former military diver, lost consciousness on his return from the cave after delivering the children with oxygen.

Source: BBC

A former Thai navy was killed while trying to save boys and a football coach trapped in a flooded cave.

Saman Gunan lost consciousness as he was going to the exit of Tam Luang Cave.

"His job was to provide oxygen, the oxygen was gone on his return," said the governor of Chiang Rai Province.

Samana left the cave the partner with whom he had plunged, but the resurgence failed.

Oxygen levels in the part of the cave where the boys fell fell to 15%, said Thai officials at a press conference. The usual level is about 21%.

The boys and the car entered the cave when it was dry.

  The cave is dangerous even for experienced divers [EPA]

The cave is dangerous even for experienced divers / EPA

Apparently, a thirty-year-old Samam withdrew a sailor who volunteered to help rescue the captured boys. He was known as a cyclist and a runner.

Thai officials announced that the Thai king would sponsor a shipwrecked Navy.

"It's hard in the cave," said Thai commander Rear Adm Arpakorn Yukongeav.

"After taking oxygen, former Navy officer Gunan died, the partner gave him first aid but failed to revive him, he was unconscious after a second attempt at awakening. "

The commander said that the rescue operation is continuing.

"I can guarantee that we will not panic, we will not stop the rescue operation, we will not let the fate of our friend be futile."

Boys' families keep a close eye on what is happening in the cave / Reuters “/>

The boy's family is closely following what is happening in the cave / Reuters

] After the death of the boy / Reuters Officer Gunan, it is clear that the rescue is risky.

Asked how boys could safely get out of the cave when the experienced diver did not use it, Commander Arpakorn said that precautions would be taken

Did the boys enough oxygen? Concern about the level of oxygen in the cave where are the boys.

The level of oxygen dropped due to the large number of people in the cave in the rescue mission.

The authorities are trying to reach the cave with a 5-kilometer cable that will pump air.

Long Sofi Chiang Rai ] Rescue officials say all those involved in the rescue are trained to work in high-risk situations, as well as deaths like this.

Today, there is a different atmosphere in the improvised colony at the entrance of the cave – everyone has become aware of the dangers.

It is unlikely that the boys will be told that the diver is dead. One of the main goals is that boys stay physically and psychologically strong

What are the relief options that remain?

Food is distributed to boys every day, but the heavy rains announced for Sunday are very disturbing.

Rescue options for the cave are considered.

The army pumped the water from the cave. If they can not control the water level, there are two options: to teach the boys how to use the diving equipment or to wait until the rainy season lasts until they reach the water level. ;in September.

Waiting until September brings a new danger – a risk of flooding in the part of the cave where the boys are.

"At first, we thought that boys could stay a long time, which is not the case, we still have little time," said Arpakorn.

Source: BBC News in Serbian

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