Thailand: Boys can walk, they save them too


The governor of the region, Chang Rai, said the boys had enough strength to walk but could not swim safely.

  Thailand, caves

However, today, they can not save.

If it rains and the situation worsens, he will try to get the boys out of hurry.

He adds that boys are good.

 Thailand, caves, parents

It was stated yesterday that parents have sent letters to boys, but that it was not certain that they have reached them.

Rescuers through the woods above the cave seek a way to slaughter the boys

Today, cramp rescuers are crossing a dense forest a hundred meters away above the cave where nearly 12 boys were trapped with a football coach for almost two weeks.

"We want to find the way, I believe we are close," said Tanes Virasiri, chairman of the Thai Institute of Engineering, in an improvised camp for volunteers and media near the cave of Tam Luang, near the northern border of Thailand.

Helicopters descend on lush green hills under lush vegetation above the cave, helping to find another way to shoot young footballers from a flooded cave.

Tanes engineers work with the army to test an area they believe to be the last part of the cave, cutting off the fragile parts of the rock that they believe could be hundreds of kilometers away. meters from where the boys were stuck. r "We have discussed with the possibility of delivering food to boys, but now we can expand this option," said Tanes.

Čalongčai Čajakum, a senior Thai officer, said that the rescue team was about 300 meters from the hill yesterday.

In his words, 200 people are now trying to find a better hole on the hill.

 thai, pecina, decaci

The billionaire and entrepreneur Ilon Mask said on Twitter today that the engineers of his companies "Speys Iks" and "Boring Company" are en route for Tajlan To see if they can help with the rescue.

These companies have a "modern radar penetrating the earth", which is "excellent for digging holes", or a technology that could break the "tunnel of air below". "Mask said before," said Mask earlier.

Earlier today, the commander of Thai naval forces "Foca", working to rescue a young football team captured in a flooded cave in the north of the country, said this morning. the amount of time "to pull the boys."

"At first we thought that from Ake we aspire to maintain life in a cave, but now a lot has changed." The commander of Fokka Arpakorn Jukongkaev said at a press conference what morning

The commander of the diving forces did not provide details regarding the rescue of 12 boys aged 11 to 16 and their 25-year-old Cavity Trainer who entered after training on 23 June.

A rescuer died of oxygen deficiency

A rescuer died in the rescue operation in northern Thailand

about the l & # 39; 39; former diver of the Thai Navy Saman Gunan, who lost it while leaving East complex cave, in which the air delivered to the cylinders, the BBC.

 Thailand rescue

"His goal was to deliver the oxygen tank. He did not have enough oxygen on his return, "said a Thai official, adding that he was a man who worked in the Navy and who joined the rescue operation. On the way to the cave, he drowned, his colleague tried to give him first aid but failed.When we removed him, we tried to give him first aid, but he did not respond, then we transferred him to the hospital, "said the commander of the Thai Navy Arpakorn Jukongku

. 19659004] 1,000 people are involved in the rescue operation, including divers, military personnel and volunteers.

Officials said that it is worrying that the level of oxygen in the cavern cave where the boys are found decreases. ] For the moment, the boys are in good health and regularly deliver food and

Brave Serbs save boys from the Thai cave

Among the brave divers rescuing 12 boys and their coach of the cave in Thailand, Ivan Karadzic, a volunteer of Serbian origin, was born in Denmark.

He said that he had never been in a similar rescue mission. Karadzic said the rescue of boys and their coaches could happen "today or tomorrow." He pointed out that "the mood has changed" volunteer died because of lack of oxygen.

"We are all sad about this," said J Karadzic

"Most divers have experience of rescuing other divers in caves," he said. , adding that rescuing children from the cave was something new for most of them.

"I do not think any of us have any," he added

As he put it, the complex of Chiang Rai Province "is not a big challenge. "

"The cave is very shallow – five to seven meters, so you can dive for a long time," said Karadzic.

"The deeper you dive, the more oxygen you consume," he said and added that the whole situation has made it all a huge challenge.

The water in the cave slowly decreases, he said, adding that when it was yesterday, the water decreased by an inch in one hour

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