"Thank you very much, Srbijo": the main star of Genji Zigi Marli Exit (PHOTO) (VIDEO) | telegraph


Zigi Marli did not make any fans of the repetition of music at Exitu tonight. Academically for only 15 minutes late, instead of saying goodbye, "We are hungry".

Great for peace and love Photo: Marko Jovanović

Mejn begged for the great Rege Stejdz Photo: Marko Jovanović

– Thank you very much, Srbijo, for inviting us here for the first time time. You are a rebellion, "he said, looking at" We are more. "There was a" personal revolution, "and Zigi said that he believed in love. Love is my religion "was the next issue.

(Dr. Ivanovic, dragana.ivanović@telegraf.rs)

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